To raise awareness for Mental Health issues.
1 October 2024 - 3:11 AM To 8 October 2024
Metro Stations and Indian Oil Pumps
Dhairya by Saday Sadev
Date 2.10.2024 स्वच्छता कार्यक्रम श्रमदान Date 4.10.2024 वृक्षारोपण एवं किताबें,कपड़े दान
2 October 2024 - 10:30 AM To 4 October 2024
Here is a YouTube playlist which you can use to get more ideas and examples for organising your #DaanUtsav activity.
Click onicon to browse the playlist.
Here is a YouTube playlist which you can use to get more ideas and examples for organising your #DaanUtsav activity.
Click onicon to browse the playlist.
Here is a YouTube playlist which you can use to get more ideas and examples for organising your #DaanUtsav activity.
Click onicon to browse the playlist.
Here is a YouTube playlist which you can use to get more ideas and examples for organising your #DaanUtsav activity.
Click onicon to browse the playlist.
Here is a YouTube playlist which you can use to get more ideas and examples for organising your #DaanUtsav activity.
Click onicon to browse the playlist.
Crowdfunding Campaigns
Set up online crowdfunding campaigns or participate in challenges organised by crowdfunding portals that offer matching and incentives.
Symbolic Online Campaigns
Online fundraisers using powerful visual symbols related to the NGO’s own cause, e.g., a hazy image becomes clearer as more cataract surgeries are funded, water fills up in a well as more people donate, etc.
The 24 Hour Disability Challenge
People are invited to experience a disability for 24 hours (blindfolded or ears plugged or can’t speak or legs tied, etc., and donate to charity if they fail. They are invited to share their experiences online.
Charity Shows
Get an artist to put up performances such as concerts, plays, and stand-up comedy for charity with the entry fee going to the NGO/social cause.
The 24 Hour Challenge
NGOs invite supporters and public to spend 24 hours with their beneficiaries- in the villages, slums, govt schools- to sensitize them and create long term supporters out of them.
Play With Us
NGOs organise street plays or performances that showcase the work they do and the problems they tackle to engage the public and raise money.
Citizen Webathons
Set up a “telethon room” in your office and broadcast it live on Youtube. Supporters sit and make calls to friends and raise donations. A
scoreboard tracks who has raised how much.
Skills for a cause
NGOs get their supporters to offer their skills for a cause (e.g., a writer will write 1 piece or a consultant will do 1 days’ pro bono consulting, etc.). People bid for their skills and the proceeds go to the NGO.
Crazy Challenges
Crazy challenges like a mirchi eating challenge for acid burn victims’ benefit (or throat cancer victims’ benefit), hold-your-breath challenge to understand environment & pollution, etc.
Rain Bows
Across schools, colleges, corporates, students/employees wear “rainbow” costumes, take a selfie and donate towards LGBTQ support.
Blind Tournament
People pay and play against skilled blind players- chess, painting contest, etc.
De bility triathlon
In a school, college, corporate or club, a contest where the participants take part with a handicap (eyes blindfolded, legs tied, etc.).
Fistful of joy
Encourage members to donate a fistful of grain/ sugar which is collected and given to an NGO.
1 Rupee Campaign
Children collect Re1 from each family in the community and use the money to fund an act of social good.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for DaanUtsav! We rely on passionate individuals like you who are willing to make a difference.
Please fill out the form below to get started.
Why should corporates engage their employees in celebrating #DaanUtsav?
One of the important challenges for many corporates is improving teamwork across cross-functional teams and between departments. The beauty of #DaanUtsav is that it creates opportunities for different teams to come together rather organically. For example, if you are an investment banker organising a tree plantation drive, you will get your debts team, along with the equities and the treasuries teams working together in planting trees. The teams build camaraderie and trust, and relate with each other and work together even after they get back to their daily routine work.
#DaanUtsav also helps build trust, keeping aside differences and competition. The festival creates a positive environment as it is about giving to others in unison. This ultimately makes people start looking at their colleagues as humans and not just competitors, enabling an environment of trust
What kind of ideas work for employee engagement?
Here is a compilation of ideas that you can refer to for creating your event.
Is there “fatigue” with the same ideas, or do people love having a predictable list of events to look forward to?
It’s a combination of both. There is a lot of warmth and comfort in the predictable. So there are some events like Wish Trees that people love to do again and again. People know exactly what the idea is and they know what exactly to contribute. However, as a corporate entity, new quirky events keep the interest in the festival alive. Throw in a Masterchef contest for men or “Weird Clothes Day” on a particular day of the festival, and see the interest levels spike!
How does one pitch the concept of #DaanUtsav to their employees?
Most employees look for opportunities to give back to society and if there is a hectic corporate life, they are unable to do so. When their employer finds opportunities for them, it becomes easy for them to participate. So, the best way to reach out and convince employees to participate is to plan simple structured giving activities that are easy for them to partake in.
How can corporates get maximum employee participation in an event?
Maximum participation is encouraged by:
How much time does it take to plan a #DaanUtsav for employees?
It depends on the kind of activity you have in mind.
How can corporates tell all their employees about the #DaanUtsav activity?
There are several ways to reach out to employees. Some ideas are:
How can #Daantsav volunteers support corporates in planning and/or executing their events?
#DaanUtsav volunteers can help connect corporates with relevant NGOs. For instance, if a corporate wants to conduct a blood donation drive or organize a handicraft mela in their office, a #DaanUtsav volunteer can try to make the connections.
Here is a YouTube playlist which you can use to get more ideas and examples for organising your #DaanUtsav activity.
Click on icon to browse the playlist.
Circular Logic
Various Govt Departments like education (school & college), Panchayati Raj, NSS, etc. send out circulars asking schools, colleges, panchayats, NSS clubs, etc. to celebrate #DaanUtsav in their networks.
Kindness Challenge
Ask the Railways to make announcements related to kindness like asking people to give their seats to someone else or asking people to be more conscious of their way of entering trains and going out of their way to be a little more kinder.
Date Auction
A virtual date with a popular minister or head of ministry is auctioned in front of the public and proceeds go to the charity of the minister’s choice.
Shadow An Officer
Public gets to bid in an auction for a chance to shadow various Govt officials for a day. Proceeds go to a charity of the official’s choice or a cause supporting temporary/ contract staff.
Clean up drive
Organise an event to clean up public spaces like beaches, lakes, bus stands, stations, parks, govt hospitals, etc.
Gandhi For Gram
Identify a village nearby and get the youth to visit and volunteer there for a day, to promote greater understanding of the challenges of rural life in modern times.
DaanDe March
Organise a march/walk involving your students/employees/members and also other organisations near your institution, raising awareness about causes and inviting the public to contribute in cash and kind
Tree plantation
Carry out tree plantation campaigns in nearby school/college campuses and grounds, parks, office campuses or in nearby plantation areas identified by environmental NGOs. Plantation can also be done in nearby rural areas.
Beautification Drive
Organise an event to beautify public spaces like compound walls, bus stands, stations, parks and gardens, govt schools & hospitals, shelter homes, etc.
Jail & Bail
Ministers are “jailed for doing good” and public has to “bail them out” by donating to a charity of the minister’s choice. The minister with the maximum amount collected for his or her cause gets to donate all of the money collected for all charities to the charity he/she had chosen.
Blood donation camps
Government encourages blood donation by spreading awareness and setting up camps across the city in association with nearby blood banks and hospitals or groups like Lions that conduct such camps.
On Track!
One NGO is allowed to talk about its cause and solicit donations on each long-distance train, during the week of #DaanUtsav.
Journey of Life
Ask the Railways to allow groups of people to come and paint the trains from inside, writing simple things like- ‘You are enough’, ‘You are beautiful’, etc.
Kindness Challenge
Ask the Railways to make announcements related to kindness like asking people to give their seats to someone else or asking people to be more conscious of their way of entering trains and going out of their way to be a little more kinder.
Stall ’em
NGOs put up stalls sharing their work or selling products at platforms of railway stations.
Why should government departments celebrate #DaanUtsav?
A democracy will work really well only if every citizen stands up and takes responsibility to engage. A festival like #DaanUtsav provides a wonderful opportunity to citizens to experience what governance feels like, to understand the challenges that government officials face on a daily basis, and to develop empathy, respect and trust between the citizens and the officials.
What kind of events/ideas work for various departments?
Ideas that are likely to work will vary across departments. For example:
Education department: The easiest thing for the government is to reach out to various schools and colleges, send them a circular with ideas of how they could celebrate #DaanUtsav and encourage them to do so. In teacher trainings planned from July to September, they could encourage the faculty member to talk briefly about #DaanUtsav, so that teachers who attend get exposed to the ideas, and when they go back to their respective schools and colleges, they are able to ensure that #DaanUtsav is celebrated is those institutions.
Departments like police: Just a couple of examples: Prisons celebrating #DaanUtsav with inmates making bars of soap for children living in orphanages, construction companies offering a skill building course for prison inmates…
Railways and transport: Corporations have celebrated #DaanUtsav, by using their vehicles as a means to spread the word as well as to give adults and children a joy ride.
Simple ideas that are easy to implement work best with the government.
Alternatively, to see some ideas for your #DaanUtsav event, click here.
Who in the department can one approach for getting permissions to organise an event?
First, decide what kind of event you want to organise. Do you need access to government infrastructure or government employees for it? That will help identify the right department to contact.
Contact information for government officials is available on their website – both, names of the officers/ministers and their phone numbers. Usually, the secretary of the department is the best person to reach out to.
Some departments like police and corporation have commissioners, deputy commissioners, etc. They are the right people to reach out to.
Educational officers at the district level, block development officers, district development officers, collectors could also be approached.
Irrespective of whom you get in touch with, government officials are known to quickly respond with the name of the relevant person/department for permissions and support.
From the chief secretary of the state down to the juniormost person in administration, everybody is accessible to the public. As a citizen, any one of us can literally walk into the chief secretary’s office of the state. As long as you are willing to wait for 2-3 hours, you will get a chance to speak to him/her.
How does one pitch the concept of #DaanUtsav to them?
The easiest thing to do is to just explain that #DaanUtsav is a festival; it is not an organisation, and the government department is free to celebrate it the way it chooses, with any beneficiary group. Share at least three ideas that the government officials could use to celebrate #DaanUtsav.
The other thing that works well with the government is to have a very specific ask. For example, can the post and telegraph department request all the postmen in the area to distribute this leaflet along with all the letters that they will deliver? Or can the municipal corporation request the education officer to issue a circular to all the school principals for celebrating #DaanUtsav? (Share the circular/notice draft with them in English and the regional language.)
What are some of the objections/questions raised and how does an event organiser or volunteer address them?
Objection 1: “How can we work only with you?”
You could clarify that #DaanUtsav is not an organisation but just an idea, and therefore, they are free to celebrate it the way they want to, with any group they want to.
Objection 2: “Who are we giving permission to celebrate to?”
If you want permission to felicitate the municipal workers, then carry a request letter written on the letterhead of the organisation that is organising it. That makes things much easier.
Questions can also arise when people reach out asking for money (since the mechanisms to give small amounts of money are complex). Hence, this is not recommended for #DaanUtsav activities.
Kaun Test Karega
Send out a newsletter, notice or circular to all member institutions sharing about #DaanUtsav and inviting them to celebrate in various ways. Have awards for the members that celebrate in the most exemplary manner.
You e-wish!
Set up a digital wish tree for a local non-profit that you wish to support and allow members to fulfill wishes sourced from a local nonprofit.
Charity Raffle / Virtual
A virtual raffle, housie or “tambola” where members donate items as prizes (spare new phones, crockery, travel accessories, bags, watches, etc.), and everyone buys tickets with the proceeds going to charity.
Card Carrying Membership
Virtual poker, rummy, bridge or other card games where everyone “buys in” and nominates a charity, money goes to the winners’ nominated charities.
Karaoke Idol Kaun?
Organise a karaoke fundraiser night with members. People pay for the event and vote for the best performance of the night. The raised sum goes to the winner’s charity.
Soulful Stories
Record a story in your native language and share it with children and the elderly.
One sign saves multiple lives
Sign up for organ donation and encourage your friends to do the same.
E-garage sale
Get together with your members and set up a digital garage sale on Instagram, Facebook or any other online platform. The money raised can go to a charity of your choice.
7 Days 7 Givings
Pick 7 different acts of giving, one for each day of the #DaanUtsav week and get students/ residents/employees/members to contribute. The 7 acts could simply be 7 different items to be given (books on 1 day, clothes on another, etc.) or 7 types of activities (money, material, time, blood, skills, etc.).
Date Auction
In colleges, offices, clubs, gyms, a lunch or safe dinner date with the popular members is auctioned and proceeds go to the charity of their choice.
Organise an event that brings all members together- around a theme that is at the core of the group or community (e.g., Yoga, Service, Spirituality)- and encourage all members to do acts of giving & kindness.
Fistful of joy
Encourage members to donate a fistful of grain/ sugar which is collected and given to an NGO.
Clean up drive
Organise an event to clean up public spaces like beaches, lakes, bus stands, stations, parks, govt hospitals, etc.
Gandhi For Gram
Identify a village nearby and get students/employees/members to visit and volunteer there for a day, to promote greater understanding of the challenges of rural life in modern times.
DaanDe March
Organise a march/walk involving your students/employees/members and also other organisations near your institution, raising awareness about causes and inviting the public to contribute in cash and kind.
Tree plantation
Carry out tree plantation campaigns in nearby school/college campuses and grounds, parks, office campuses or in nearby plantation areas identified by environmental NGOs. Plantation can also be done in nearby rural areas.
Beautification Drive
Organise an event to beautify public spaces like compound walls, bus stands, stations, parks and gardens, govt schools & hospitals, shelter homes, etc.
Plog Run
Get participants to go on a run and collect all the plastic they encounter on the run, from the streets. The collected plastic is given to a recycler.
Collection Drive
A drive to collect and donate new or old books, toys, bags, stationery, uniform, newspapers, shoes, clothes and other stuff and donate them to NGOs.
Run/Walk for a cause
A walk/ run for a cause, where participants donate and fundraise to support the chosen cause.
Seva Mela- NGO stalls
In a school, college, corporate, club or large apartment complex, NGOs put up stalls showcasing their cause and selling their products.
Seva Mela- Fun for a Cause
In a school, college, corporate, club or large apartment complex, NGOs put up stalls with food and games, and all proceeds go to charity.
Jail & Bail
Leaders (CXOs, Principals, Directors, Trustees, Office bearers) are “jailed for doing good” and others have to “bail them out” by donating to a charity of their choice.
Charity Raffle / Housie
A raffle, housie or “tambola” where members donate items as prizes (spare new phones, crockery, travel accessories, bags, watches, etc.), and everyone buys tickets with the proceeds going to charity.
Card Carrying Membership
Poker, rummy, bridge or other card games where everyone “buys in” and nominates a charity, money goes to the winners’ nominated charities.
Visits to NGOs
Visits to nearby shelter, old age home, orphanage, special needs org, etc.
Who’s The MasterChef? (MasterChef Kaun?)
In schools, offices, clubs, apartments, a Masterchef contest, where each participant creates, others “buy” food coupons, proceeds go to charity. The winner’s charity gets a special prize. Can focus on men cooking to change stereotypes.
Blood donation camps
In association with nearby blood banks and hospitals or groups like Lions that conduct such camps.
Kara-OK Action (Kuch Achha Karao-ke)
Sing for a cause on karaoke, the audience buys tickets to listen, proceeds go to charity.
Food drive
Preparing, collecting and distributing food to those in need on the streets or at shelter and care homes, or even to auto drivers at a stand, etc.
Seva Sandwich
Individuals in a group contribute various ingredients of a sandwich, get together and make sandwiches and distribute them to those in need.
Kindness Fridge
Set up a “kindness fridge” in a public place like an apartment, school, college, hospital and create groups of people who will ensure the fridge is stocked.
Thank class 4 staff of school, college, corp, club, apt, etc. – serve them, have fun WITH them, treat them as equals.
Record Audio Books
Everyone records an audio book for the blind.
Change Festival
In colleges, clubs, theatres, large corporates, large apartments, a TEDx/ Litfest type format featuring social enterprises, ticket donations to charity.
Bake Sale/ Art Sale
People exhibit their talents in baking/ other arts and sell their products, proceeds go to charity.
Adopt an Institution
Help a govt school, bus shelter, night shelter, newspaper stand, park get a complete makeover and take care of it through the year.
The Tiny Flea Garage Sale
Flea market within school, college, corp, apartment, club etc. where members bring items and others buy them, all proceeds go to charity.
Cycle/ Bike/Car Rally for a cause
A rally for a cause, where participants donate and fundraise to support the chosen cause.
7 Days 7 Givings
Pick 7 different acts of giving, one for each day of the #DaanUtsav week and get students/ residents /employees /members to contribute. The 7 acts could simply be 7 different items to be given (books on 1 day, clothes on another, etc.) or 7 types of activities (money, material, time, blood, skills, etc.).
Street Store
Organise a collection drive for items in good condition, clean, mend and pack the donated items nicely and set up a “store” on a street nearby. Offer “coupons” to potential beneficiaries which they can use to “buy” the items that THEY choose from the street store, instead of being handed over something that someone else chose for them.
Wish Tree
Set up a “Wish Tree” and allow members to fulfill wishes sourced from a local nonprofit that you wish to support.
#DaanUtsav Booths
Pop-up #DaanUtsav booths in public spaces provide opportunities to donate for a particular NGO/cause.
Why should groups, clubs & communities celebrate #DaanUtsav?
The best thing about most groups and communities is that camaraderie and goodwill and relationships are at the core of these organisations. Regardless of whether the group is based on religious or spiritual beliefs; shares a passion like cycling, trekking, or playing bridge; is well-established like Lions or Rotary; is a gymkhana or club with an actual physical presence, #Daan Utsav is an opportunity to make a difference. It is a platform that appeals to those who are already inclined to giving, but more importantly it is an easy way to involve those who wouldn’t normally participate in social activities.
What kind of events work for groups, clubs & communities?
Different kind of clubs will have different initiatives. For example Rotary or Rotaract clubs already have a calendar of event and campaigns, so they just need to ensure that one or more of these existing initiatives falls during #DaanUtsav.
Some clubs may have their own non-profit organizations that they choose to support. For these kinds of organizations, building an event that involves celebrating what they already do or reinforcing and supporting those initiatives might be the best way to participate in #DaanUtsav.
For other communities and groups, that don’t have a chosen cause or NGO there are several simple initiatives, even ones that do not involve a large number of people, like a tree plantation campaign or a clean-up drive or coming together to cook and deliver food to people in need.
For clubs, societies and communities that have their own premises, some ideas are a seva mela or a day-long mini Ted X conference where you get social entrepreneurs to come in and talk about their work. Another popular idea is to hold a fun fair where part of the proceeds go to charity. You can even have a MasterChef contest for all the men who are a part of your club or your society, to let the men show off their cooking skills.
Click here to see a list of ideas to get you started.
Who can one approach for permissions to do this in clubs & communities?
Typically every club or community will have a secretary, chairman or a president along with a committee or set of office bearers. The best place to start would be to approach them. Not only do you require their permission, but having their blessings and support will be very valuable as they can influence the entire member body.
Many groups, clubs & communities do charitable events throughout the year. How does one convince them that they should celebrate #DaanUtsav?
While giving is a part of life and should be an on-going activity, #DaanUtsav is an opportunity to show the difference that can be made by millions coming together to give at one time. An example of this are the marathons that now are held all over India. Before the first large scale, well-organized marathon took place in India, there were a few die hard running fans in every city who would run every weekend in parks and their local neighborhoods. However the Mumbai marathon, and those that followed, dramatically increased the visibility of running as a cause. Now you see several thousand people in every city are running and fitness fanatics.
In the same way if those of us who already practice giving come together and do it on a large scale through #DaanUtsav, then we can link our small efforts in to one very large movement that creates a giving culture. So while your club should continue with their other activities, they should also have an event or campaign during #DaanUtsav.
How do you get maximum participation of members in your event?
After putting in hard work to plan your event, the best outcome would be to see wide scale participation. Here are some ideas:
How do you get more members to join you in organizing the event and promoting it?
Any event like this is more fun and more powerful if you have several people working together. The best way to get started is to ask other members who know you well to participate and form a sort of steering committee. Once a few dedicated and enthusiastic people are in place, then you can reach out to the general body of your club, society or group. Start with those who you know are socially inclined. Another important angle is to get people who are the key influencers within your group involved because we all know that not all members are equal. There are some who are more respected and active than others. So getting a couple of these influential and credible members to become part of your initiative will really help to get other people to join the event.
What are some of the objections/questions raised?
One of the most common objections raised is: we do this throughout the year so why should we do this again and we have already given an answer for why that should be the case. Sometimes the objections will be related to the availability of space related to specific dates around #DaanUtsav i.e. between 2nd and 8th October, sometimes it will be around that we have already planned things around that time. So typically, the best way to answer some of these is to think through or anticipate these questions and come up with solutions to them. For example if there is a question around security that if you are planning an event where everybody will bring cooked food and people are worried about how to be ensured that everything is secured and there is no risk of any external people coming and doing something. You answer that by thinking through the logistics of your event and being prepared with what security elements you are going to take care of.
For eg. all the equipment that will come in will be scanned or checked by somebody at the gates before it is brought in, you can offer to have a team of volunteers to support the security staff at the gate. So you kind of help the society prepare or the kind of club or group prepare for it by helping them put together the disclaimers, you know the terms and conditions for participation in the event, etc. So thinking through the kind of questions that could come and answering them in advance actually helps overcome a lot of these issues.
Kaun Test Karega
Send out a newsletter or Whats App circular to all members sharing about #DaanUtsav and inviting them to celebrate in various ways. Have awards for the members that celebrate in the most exemplary manner.
You e-wish!
Set up a digital wish tree for a local non-profit that you wish to support and allow members to fulfill wishes sourced from a local nonprofit.
Charity Raffle / Virtual Housie
A virtual raffle, housie or “tambola” where members donate items as prizes (spare new phones, crockery, travel accessories, bags, watches, etc.), and everyone buys tickets with the proceeds going to charity.
Card Carrying Membership
Virtual poker, rummy, bridge or other card games where everyone “buys in” and nominates a charity, money goes to the winners’ nominated charities.
Karaoke Idol Kaun?
Organise a karaoke fundraiser night with members. People pay for the event and vote for the best performance of the night. The raised sum goes to the winner’s charity.
Soulful Stories
Record a story in your native language and share it with children and the elderly.
One sign saves multiple lives
Sign up for organ donation and encourage your friends to do the same.
Create Joint Action Groups of member institutions around specific themes or initiatives (pick from other ideas listed). Encourage them to own and drive the campaign.
Organise an event that brings all member institutions together into a fair, exhibition or conference that facilitates connections between NGOs and the institutional members of the network.
Fistful of joy
Encourage members to donate a fistful of grain/ sugar which is collected and given to an NGO.
Clean up drive
Organise an event to clean up public spaces like beaches, lakes, bus stands, stations, parks, govt hospitals, etc.
Gandhi For Gram
Identify a village nearby and get students/employees/members to visit and volunteer there for a day, to promote greater understanding of the challenges of rural life in modern times.
Gandhi 150 festival
Organise a festival in your school, college, office, club, group, association or apartment to celebrate Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary. The festival can include debates, essay contests, Khadi shows, films and other activities that represent Gandhi’s values. Audience/ participants donate to take part and the proceeds go to Gandhian charities.
DaanDe March
Organise a march/walk involving your students/employees/members and also other organisations near your institution, raising awareness about causes and inviting the public to contribute in cash and kind.
Tree plantation
Carry out tree plantation campaigns in nearby school/college campuses and grounds, parks, office campuses or in nearby plantation areas identified by environmental NGOs. Plantation can also be done in nearby rural areas.
Beautification Drive
Organise an event to beautify public spaces like compound walls, bus stands, stations, parks and gardens, govt schools & hospitals, shelter homes, etc.
Plog Run
Get participants to go on a run and collect all the plastic they encounter on the run, from the streets. The collected plastic is given to a recycler.
Collection Drive
A drive to collect and donate new or old books, toys, bags, stationery, uniform, newspapers, shoes, clothes and other stuff and donate them to NGOs.
Run/Walk for a cause
A walk/ run for a cause, where participants donate and fundraise to support the chosen cause.
Seva Mela- NGO stalls
In a school, college, corporate, club or large apartment complex, NGOs put up stalls showcasing their cause and selling their products.
Seva Mela- Fun for a Cause
In a school, college, corporate, club or large apartment complex, NGOs put up stalls with food and games, and all proceeds go to charity.
Jail & Bail
Leaders (CXOs, Principals, Directors, Trustees, Office bearers) are “jailed for doing good” and others have to “bail them out” by donating to a charity of their choice.
Visits to NGOs
Visits to nearby shelter, old age home, orphanage, special needs org, etc.
Who’s The MasterChef? (MasterChef Kaun?)
In schools, offices, clubs, apartments, a Masterchef contest, where each participant creates, others “buy” food coupons, proceeds go to charity. The winner’s charity gets a special prize. Can focus on men cooking to change stereotypes.
Date Auction
In colleges, offices, clubs, gyms, a lunch or safe dinner date with the popular members is auctioned and proceeds go to the charity of their choice.
Blood donation camps
In association with nearby blood banks and hospitals or groups like Lions that conduct such camps.
Kara-OK Action (Kuch Achha Karao-ke)
Sing for a cause on karaoke, the audience buys tickets to listen, proceeds go to charity.
Food drive
Preparing, collecting and distributing food to those in need on the streets or at shelter and care homes, or even to auto drivers at a stand, etc.
Seva Sandwich
Individuals in a group contribute various ingredients of a sandwich, get together and make sandwiches and distribute them to those in need
Kindness Fridge
Set up a “kindness fridge” in a public place like an apartment, school, college, hospital and create groups of people who will ensure the fridge is stocked.
Thank class 4 staff of school, college, corp, club, apt, etc. – serve them, have fun WITH them, treat them as equals
Record Audio Books
Everyone records an audio book for the blind.
Change Festival
In colleges, clubs, theatres, large corporates, large apartments, a TEDx/ Litfest type format featuring social enterprises, ticket donations to charity.
Bake Sale/ Art Sale
People exhibit their talents in baking/ other arts and sell their products, proceeds go to charity
Adopt an Institution
Help a govt school, bus shelter, night shelter, newspaper stand, park get a complete makeover and take care of it through the year.
The Tiny Flea Garage Sale
Flea market within school, college, corp, apartment, club etc. where members bring items and others buy them, all proceeds go to charity.
Cycle/ Bike/Car Rally for a cause
A rally for a cause, where participants donate and fundraise to support the chosen cause.
7 Days 7 Givings
Pick 7 different acts of giving, 1 for each day of the #DaanUtsav week and get students/ residents/employees/members to contribute. The 7 acts could simply be 7 different items to be given (books on 1 day, clothes on another, etc.) or 7 types of activities (money, material, time, blood, skills, etc.)
Street Store
Organise a collection drive for items in good condition, clean, mend and pack the donated items nicely and set up a “store” on a street nearby. Offer “coupons” to potential beneficiaries which they can use to “buy” the items that THEY choose from the street store, instead of being handed over something that someone else chose for them.
Wish Tree
Set up a “Wish Tree” and allow members to fulfill wishes sourced from a local nonprofit that you wish to support.
#DaanUtsav Booths
Pop-up #DaanUtsav booths in public spaces provide opportunities to donate for a particular NGO/cause.
Why should networks & associations celebrate #DaanUtsav?
Networks and associations are usually preoccupied with a lot of business agenda and business-focussed networking. Many members find themselves with few opportunities to interact with other members in a more relaxed atmosphere. #DaanUtsav provides a beautiful platform even to competing companies to come together to make a difference in someone’s life.
What kind of events work for networks & associations?
A variety of events are likely to work well. It will be helpful to first identify groups of organisations within the network (for example, IT companies, manufacturing companies, networks like AAHAR) so as to design events specially for the verticals in those organisations.
Click here for some ideas to get started.
How does one pitch the concept of #DaanUtsav to the members of a network or an association?
The best way to do this is to share information about #DaanUtsav, and explain why as a network, we should do a #DaanUtsav activity together. While some members might like to organise an event independently, harnessing the power of collective action is bound to be more rewarding.
How does one get maximum participation in his or her event?
The best way to get maximum participation is through rigorous communication, with the president of the network sending out an email or a letter and perhaps a WhatsApp message to all members. One can activate all the committees that are involved and request them to reach out.
Why should NGOs celebrate #DaanUtsav?
NGOs usually celebrate #DaanUtsav as it gives them an opportunity to connect with their existing supporters and make new ones. Some of them use #DaanUtsav as an opportunity to raise funds online and offline. Various platforms like,,, Ketto and Milaap run online fundraising events specifically during the #DaanUtsav and #GivingTuesdayIndia period.
Many NGOs use #DaanUtsav as an opportunity to build a “community” of supporters and showcase their work to them. For some NGOs, #DaanUtsav is a chance to enlist a large number of volunteers for their work, and for yet others, it is helpful to raise awareness about their cause among the public. The general buzz around #DaanUtsav creates a stronger desire among many people to give, and it helps NGOs to capitalize on that energy.
What kind of events work for NGOs?
Events like collection drives, putting up ‘Wish Trees’, organising a musical evening, participating in a Seva Mela, etc. work well to raise resources. Volunteering campaigns give NGOs a chance to engage a large number of corporates, schools, colleges and members of the general public. Setting up booths or stalls in institutions and in housing societies also helps spread the word and build new relationships.
Click here to see a compilation of ideas that will get you started.
How can NGOs pitch the concept of #DaanUtsav to their donors or volunteers?
By informing them that #DaanUtsav is celebrated pan-India from October 2 to October 8, by a large number of communities, fostering a great sense of belonging to a larger community.
How can NGOs reach out to potential givers or create awareness about their initiative?
NGOs can make a list of their potential givers, send out customized emails or WhatsApp messages to them, followed by setting up meetings and calls. NGOs can also share relevant videos and stories on social media.
How can NGOs ensure maximum participation in their #DaanUtsav events?
For maximum participation, following up with the people concerned is very important. At times, for specific events, a workshop with key volunteers also helps.
What are some of the objections/questions raised by potential donors and participants?
One of the objections raised is: Why celebrate giving only between October 2 and 8?
How can it be addressed?
One could say that doing an activity pan-India between October 2 and 8 helps create a thunderclap, a buzz about the event, which would otherwise be missing.
How much time does it take to plan an event? Online/offline?
That would totally depend upon the scale of the event. Typically, to work on an offline event, you will need at least a month. An online campaign should start at least 15 days prior to the main event. For big events that require multiple stakeholders as partners (for sponsorship, venue, permissions, etc.), it might need 2-3 months of advance work.
What resources do NGOs usually need to execute theie eventw?
All #DaanUtsav-related resources are available on the #DaanUtsav website, such as FAQs, videos, etc. One can also get in touch with volunteers with questions and requests for support.
For collection drives that the NGO may organise at a particular location, the volunteers are provided with a kit containing #DaanUtsav banners, profiles of the non-profit, FAQs, donation boxes, etc.
How can NGOs tell more people about their #DaanUtsav activity?
NGOs should definitely use social media platforms to reach out to more number of people. Alternatively, they can also conduct workshops or participate in #DaanUtsav NGO workshops organised by volunteers.
Does #DaanUtsav coinciding with festival season come as an advantage or a barrier to engaging givers?
#DaanUtsav coinciding with other festivals is an opportunity to leverage, as many people are mostly at home, or have the mind space to check out the events, or generally in a more festive and giving mood.
How do #DaanUtsav volunteers support in planning and/or executing an event?
#DaanUtsav volunteers support with ideas, connections, collaterals, meetings, and many other ways.
Any other tips/comments/suggestions?
#DaanUtsav helps accelerate giving in general, with a wider range of people coming forward to celebrate it every single year.
Say Thanks
Send gratitude cards or recorded messages to frontline workers.
Hello Senior!
Talk to senior citizens at elderly care homes.
Soulful Stories
Record a story in your native language and share it with children and the elderly.
Karaoke Idol Kaun?
Organise a karaoke fundraiser night with friends and family. People pay for the event and vote for the best performance of the night. The raised sum goes to the winner’s charity.
Game Game Mein
Organise online game-o-thons. Participants pay a minimal fee for each round and the final sum goes to the winner’s charity.
Khari Kamai – Earn & Give
Students “earn” through everyday chores like washing cars and bikes, running errands, etc. and donate their earnings to a charity.
One sign saves multiple lives
Sign up for organ donation and encourage your friends to do the same.
Donate a skill
Virtually share a skill (drawing, singing, cooking, playing an instrument, etc) with the underprivileged. Alternatively, you could also organise a fundraising event where you hold a workshop. The funds from this will go to a charity of your choice.
Human chain
Start a virtual kindness challenge – do a simple act of giving and tag your friends and ask them to do the same. Create a kindness chain.
7 Days 7 Givings
Pick 7 different acts of giving, one for each day of the #DaanUtsav week and get students/ residents/employees/members to contribute. The 7 acts could simply be 7 different items to be given (books on 1 day, clothes on another, etc.) or 7 types of activities (money, material, time, blood, skills, etc.).
Be A Solve Ninja
Each student solves a social problem- like potholes or garbage collected or lack of lighting or dividers on streets, etc.
Design For Change is a contest where students use the FIDS framework to design solutions to issues they care about.
Gift Compassion
In paired schools (e.g., a private and govt school), students from one school handcraft a gift to be given to children in another school.
Paper bag making
Children make paper bags and donate them to nearby shops to use.
Khari Kamai- Earn & Give
Students “earn” through everyday chores like washing cars and bikes, running errands, etc. and donate their earnings to a charity.
Fistful of joy
Encourage members to donate a fistful of grain/ sugar which is collected and given to an NGO.
Clean up drive
Organise an event to clean up public spaces like beaches, lakes, bus stands, stations, parks, govt hospitals, etc.
Gandhi For Gram
Identify a village nearby and get students/employees/members to visit and volunteer there for a day, to promote greater understanding of the challenges of rural life in modern times.
DaanDe March
Organise a march/walk involving your students/employees/members and also other organisations near your institution, raising awareness about causes and inviting the public to contribute in cash and kind
Tree plantation
Carry out tree plantation campaigns in nearby school/college campuses and grounds, parks, office campuses or in nearby plantation areas identified by environmental NGOs. Plantation can also be done in nearby rural areas.
Beautification Drive
Organise an event to beautify public spaces like compound walls, bus stands, stations, parks and gardens, govt schools & hospitals, shelter homes, etc.
Plog Run
Get participants to go on a run and collect all the plastic they encounter on the run, from the streets. The collected plastic is given to a recycler.
Collection Drive
A drive to collect and donate new or old books, toys, bags, stationery, uniform, newspapers, shoes, clothes and other stuff and donate them to NGOs.
Run/Walk for a cause
A walk/ run for a cause, where participants donate and fundraise to support the chosen cause.
Seva Mela- NGO stalls
In a school, college, corporate, club or large apartment complex, NGOs put up stalls showcasing their cause and selling their products.
Seva Mela- Fun for a Cause
In a school, college, corporate, club or large apartment complex, NGOs put up stalls with food and games, and all proceeds go to charity.
Jail & Bail
Leaders (CXOs, Principals, Directors, Trustees, Office bearers) are “jailed for doing good” and others have to “bail them out” by donating to a charity of their choice.
Charity Raffle / Housie
A raffle, housie or “tambola” where members donate items as prizes (spare new phones, crockery, travel accessories, bags, watches, etc.), and everyone buys tickets with the proceeds going to charity.
Card Carrying Membership
Poker, rummy, bridge or other card games where everyone “buys in” and nominates a charity, money goes to the winners’ nominated charities.
Visits to NGOs
Visits to nearby shelter, old age home, orphanage, special needs org, etc.
Who’s The MasterChef? (MasterChef Kaun?)
in schools, offices, clubs, apartments, a Masterchef contest, where each participant creates, others “buy” food coupons, proceeds go to charity. The winner’s charity gets a special prize. Can focus on men cooking to change stereotypes.
Blood donation camps
In association with nearby blood banks and hospitals or groups like Lions that conduct such camps.
Kara-OK Action (Kuch Achha Karao-ke)
Sing for a cause on karaoke, the audience buys tickets to listen, proceeds go to charity.
Food drive
Preparing, collecting and distributing food to those in need on the streets or at shelter and care homes, or even to auto drivers at a stand, etc.
Seva Sandwich
Individuals in a group contribute various ingredients of a sandwich, get together and make sandwiches and distribute them to those in need.
Kindness Fridge
Set up a “kindness fridge” in a public place like an apartment, school, college, hospital and create groups of people who will ensure the fridge is stocked.
Thank class 4 staff of school, college, corp, club, apt, etc. – serve them, have fun WITH them, treat them as equals.
Record Audio Books
Everyone records an audio book for the blind.
Change Festival
In colleges, clubs, theatres, large corporates, large apartments, a TEDx/ Litfest type format featuring social enterprises, ticket donations to charity.
Bake Sale/ Art Sale
People exhibit their talents in baking/ other arts and sell their products, proceeds go to charity.
Adopt an Institution
Help a govt school, bus shelter, night shelter, newspaper stand, park get a complete makeover and take care of it through the year.
The Tiny Flea Garage Sale
Flea market within school, college, corp, apartment, club etc. where members bring items and others buy them, all proceeds go to charity.
Cycle/ Bike/Car Rally for a cause
A rally for a cause, where participants donate and fundraise to support the chosen cause.
7 Days 7 Givings
Pick 7 different acts of giving, one for each day of the #DaanUtsav week and get students/ residents/ employees/ members to contribute. The 7 acts could simply be 7 different items to be given (books on 1 day, clothes on another, etc.) or 7 types of activities (money, material, time, blood, skills, etc.).
Street Store
Organise a collection drive for items in good condition, clean, mend and pack the donated items nicely and set up a “store” on a street nearby. Offer “coupons” to potential beneficiaries which they can use to “buy” the items that THEY choose from the street store, instead of being handed over something that someone else chose for them.
Wish Tree
Set up a “Wish Tree” and allow members to fulfill wishes sourced from a local nonprofit that you wish to support.
#DaanUtsav Booths
Pop-up #DaanUtsav booths in public spaces provide opportunities to donate for a particular NGO/cause.
Blind Tournament
People pay and play against skilled blind playe: chess, painting contest, etc.
Rain Bows
Across schools, colleges, corporates, students/employees get to wear “rainbow” costumes, take a selfie and donate towards LGBTQ support.
Debility triathlon
In a school, college, corporate or club, a contest where the participants take part with a handicap (eyes blindfolded, legs tied, etc.).
Hello Senior!
Have conversations with the elderly at an old-age home. Play games, organise singing and dance activities with them.
Human chain
Start a virtual kindness challenge – do a simple act of giving and tag your friends and ask them to do the same. Create a kindness chain.
Why should schools celebrate #DaanUtsav?
Empathy, caring and citizenship are core values that every human needs. School is the right time to introduce the concept of giving and responsibility. #DaanUtsav is a wonderful opportunity for schools to give children a chance to showcase their skills – not just of problem solving, of managing or trying difficult things out, and of organising activities, but also of learning how to care for someone else and to your own gratification. These skills will help the kids grow evolve into wonderful human beings.
What kind of events work for schools?
A range of events have worked for schools. Starting from things as simple as a collection drive where they bring in toys, clothes, books, uniforms, etc, to wish trees to organising more complex events like taking part in the Design For Change contest or becoming Solve Ninjas. Some schools come up with innovative ideas that involve the children reaching out to their local community. Parents can get involved too in activities like fun fairs and Seva Melas at the school campus.
Click here for some ideas to get started with your event.
What can schools do if there are exams or vacations during #DaanUtsav?
Several schools have come up with interesting ideas of what to do when despite holidays during #DaanUtsav. One of these is to give children simple holiday “homework” where on each day from October 2-8, the kids have to do one small act of kindness at home. Not only does this help to develop phenomenal reflection and thinking skills in the child but also gives them the chance to experience empathy every single day during their holidays.
If exams coincide with #DaanUtsav the easiest thing for schools to do is to organise collection drives. The collection drives can be planned at least a month before the exams with information sent to parents well in time. The children can get involved in the actual distribution of collected goods once their exams are over.
How can schools get all of their students, teachers and staff members to participate in their #DaanUtsav event?
The easiest way to get strong participation support is when the principal or head of the school sees value in the event and decides it is important for the children to get involved. The principal or head then gets the teachers, staff and parents on board. Ideally, #DaanUtsav should be scheduled into the academic calendar.
Most schools that have celebrated #DaanUtsav have had very positive feedback from parents, teachers and staff.
What are some of the objections/questions raised in regards with celebrating #DaanUtsav?
Some schools have shared that they are not very comfortable with events that require parents to make a monetary contribution. The simple solution to that is to have collection drives. It’s also important for the school to stress that the Daan Utsav event involves voluntary participation and the no child will be singled out for not taking part.
How can schools get parents to support their efforts?
Many schools involve parents. For eg. Euro Kids gets the parents to become active participants in #DaanUtsav, where they volunteer with the school team to design their activities, plan and execute them.
What care needs to be taken when working with schoolchildren?
Safety of the children is key if events are planned outside the school premises- like a run, plantation or awareness drive. Ensuring there is adequate staff to child ratio takes care of this risk. Obtaining requisite parental consent is also important. Lastly, schools should stress that all participation in #DaanUtsav is voluntary.
How much time does it take to plan an event?
It varies upon the kind of event planned. For simple collection drives, it takes just 2-3 days to decide, send out a notice/circular to parents and for teachers to announce in the classroom.
To do something more elaborate like an awareness walk in the community, it might require 2-3 months of planning. For such events, schools typically create groups of senior students who take the responsibility of planning and execution. They sit together, work with a couple of teachers guiding them about the plan, how are they going to go out into the community and market the idea, and get more people to support them.
How do #DaanUtsav volunteers support in planning and/or executing events?
Volunteers help schools find partner NGOs to work with for their collection drives, shelter homes to visit (orphanages, old age homes, etc.), as well as other schools to partner. They can also help schools with ideas and examples of what other schools have done
What are some others tips/suggestions on celebrating #DaanUtsav in schools?
The best tip would be to get #DaanUtsav in your school academic calendar. Many schools have done it and found it useful to build empathy and socio-emotional learning as a key part of their curriculum, it helps you start planning in advance.
Charity Raffle / Virtual
A virtual raffle, housie or “tambola” where your friends and family members donate items as prizes (spare new phones, crockery, travel accessories, bags, watches, etc.), and everyone buys tickets with the proceeds going to charity.
Card Carrying Membership
Virtual poker, rummy, bridge or other card games where everyone “buys in” and nominates a charity, money goes to the winners’ nominated charities.
Karaoke Idol Kaun?
Organise a virtual karaoke fundraiser night with friends and family. People pay for the event and vote for the best performance of the night. The raised sum goes to the winner’s charity.
Soulful Stories
Record a story in your native language and share it with children and the elderly.
One sign saves multiple lives
Sign up for organ donation and encourage your friends and family to do the same.
E-garage sale
Get together with your family and friends and set up a digital garage sale on Instagram, Facebook or any other online platform. The money raised can go to a charity of your choice.
One sign saves multiple lives
Sign up for organ donation and encourage your friends and family to do the same.
Say Thanks
Along with friends and family, make and send gratitude cards or recorded thank you messages to frontline workers.
Donate a skill
Offer a skill building workshop online during the week for a basic fee. Donate the funds to a charity of your choice.
Game, Set, Go!
Organise online game-o-thons among friends and family. Participants pay a minimal fee for each round and the final sum goes to the winner’s charity.
One day at a time…
Donate a day or a month’s earnings to a charity of your choice and encourage friends and family to do the same.
Share a skill
Organise online classes for your helpers’ children.
Call and connect
Sign up with non-profits to mentor a child.
Hello Senior!
Employees talk to senior citizens at elderly care homes.
Volunteer from home
Volunteer virtually at a non-profit: design their website, create social media content, learn more about their work and share it in your circles
Treats for a cause
Love cooking or baking? Go all out, create your most famous food and sell it in your networks. Donate the sum raised to a charity.
Live your promise
Sign up to #LivingMyPromise — a movement where Indians sign up to donate at least 50% of their wealth to charity whilst alive or in their well.
Gift and chill
Gift a Netflix / Prime / Hotstar / Zee 5 / etc subscription for your house help and apartment staff and teach them how to use it.
Human chain
Start a virtual kindness challenge – do a simple act of giving and tag your friends and ask them to do the same. Create kindness chain.
On Your Own
The Smile Deck offers you a range of simple ideas for giving- feel free to pick ANY of them at random and just do it!
Donate Money
Remember to visit the website after Sep 20 to see what kind of public events are happening across India, in case you want to participate in them
Say Thanks
Along with friends and family, make and send gratitude cards or recorded thank you messages to frontline workers.
Charity Raffle
A raffle, housie or “tambola” where your friends and family members donate items as prizes (spare new phones, crockery, travel accessories, bags, watches, etc.), and everyone buys tickets with the proceeds going to charity.
Cook it up!
Get together with family and friends and cook or bake items to sell and raise. Money raised can then be donated to a cause of your choice.
Spread some sunshine
Visit an old-age home and spend time the elderly, play games and dance with them.
Skill quest
Organise paid workshops for something you’re good at and donate the money raised to a cause of your choice. Alternatively, organise free workshops for vulnerable communities.
Smile for ideas
The Smile Deck offers you a range of simple ideas for giving- feel free to pick ANY of them at random and just do it!
Game, Set, Go!
Organise game-o-thons among friends and family. Participants pay a minimal fee for each round and the final sum goes to the winner’s charity.
Human chain
Start a virtual kindness challenge – do a simple act of giving and tag your friends and ask them to do the same. Create a kindness chain.
Remember to visit the website after Sep 20 to see what kind of public events are happening across India, in case you want to participate in them
SECTION1: About #DaanUtsav
1. What is #DaanUtsav?
#DaanUtsav is India’s festival of giving, celebrated all over India, between October 2-8 each year. It is a platform for all across the country to celebrate the joy in giving back to society. Everyone can reach out to someone less privileged – by donating money, volunteering time, providing your skills and even just saying a kind word to someone who may not have expected it from you. Just like Diwali, Christmas, Id, Durga Puja or Holi, or like special days (such as Earth Day, Mother’s Day, etc.), the ‘festival’ doesn’t have any specific format, nor is it “owned” by anyone.
a) When will the event be held?
The events under #DaanUtsav will be held from Oct 2-8. #DaanUtsav is a festival and not an event by itself- just like millions of people celebrate Diwali or Mother’s Day in various different ways, people celebrate #DaanUtsav in different ways by organising their own giving events, or doing acts of giving and kindness themselves.
b) Where will it be held?
Events will be held all over India
c) Who are the people behind #DaanUtsav?
#DaanUtsav is a festival and not an organisation- like Diwali or Father’s Day, there is no specific individual behind it. The idea is being promoted by volunteers spread all over India.
d) How was #DaanUtsav conceived?
Many people from across India came together and put together the concept, including people from NGOs, corporate, schools, government, colleges, etc. It is not any 1 person or organisation’s idea.
e) Who can participate in DaanUtsav?
Anybody can participate in DaanUtsav. Whether you are a paan wala in Lucknow, a traffic cop in Mumbai, an idli seller in Madurai, a millionaire in Delhi, a multinational company in Bengaluru, a saree shop owner in Kolkata, a teenager in a school or a college goer in Vadodara….
2.What is the purpose for having a #DaanUtsav?
The need is felt for people of India to come together on one platform to help bring about change in our country, by focusing on a POSITIVE emotion- helping others and bringing out the goodness in each of us.
3. Why is it called #DaanUtsav?
Because it is a festival (utsav) of giving (daan).
4. Is this an annual event?
Yes, DaanUtsav is celebrated from October 2 to 8 every year.
5. Can I donate money to #DaanUtsav? What will you use it for?
#DaanUtsav is a platform and does not accept individual donations (just like you can’t donate to Diwali or Father’s Day). However, you can donate through any of the various events listed on the website, if none of them is suitable for you, donate online through various crowdfunding platforms.
6. Can I volunteer with #DaanUtsav? How do I volunteer?
Yes. Both #DaanUtsav itself and many of the events organised need volunteers!
#DaanUtsav volunteers spend their time reaching out to societies or schools/colleges, or NGOs or corporates, explaining the idea of DaanUtsav to them and inviting them to participate in whatever way they want. These volunteers also help such organisations plan their events for DaanUtsav. To volunteer with DaanUtsav itself, please click here.
Different #DaanUtsav events also need volunteers for various purposes. To volunteer with one of the events happening in your city, visit the website after Sep 25, check location wise what events interest you and write to the people behind the event that you would like to volunteer. They will get back to you.
7. Who are the sponsors of #DaanUtsav?
No sponsors. People/Corporates are helping with free services. A strong Volunteer base in cities, towns and villages across India advocates the festival.
SECTION 2: Individuals
1. Can I participate as an individual?
Yes you can participate as an individual. You can plan an Event and register it on the website
2. How will it help make a difference?
We are all drops in an ocean and if we all do something in a small way, while each individual effort may be small, but together it will help make our country a better place.
3. What do I gain by participating?
The “Joy” in “Giving”. What better gain?
4. How can I participate?
View ideas here, and create an event if you want to. Or you can visit the website after Sep 25 and check what events are available in your area for you to join.
a) Why should I participate?
There are crores of people less privileged, challenged and vulnerable and they need your help ☺
b) What should I do to participate?
Pick a cause that you’ve felt strongly about. Locate NGO’s convenient to your location and see if you are able to connect with any of them, and figure out a way to help them during the Week. You can also do something on your own!
c) When can I participate?
That is entirely upto you ☺, but it should be during the Week (Oct 2-8). Events done before the Week (say, Sept 29-Oct 1) or after (say Oct 9-12) are not treated as DaanUtsav events, but events that go throughout the week (e.g., Sept 28-Oct 8 or Oct 2-Oct 12) are OK.
d) For how long would my involvement be required, both in terms of number of days and the number of hours per day?
This depends entirely on you, and what activity you choose to do. If you decide to sponsor a movie ticket for your maid, it would take only 5 minutes of your time. If you decide to organise a fundraising dinner, it might take more than 100 hours of work.
e) Whom do I contact to register my participation?
You can register your participation here on the website.
f) When should I start?
This depends on the idea you have for participation. To take 5 poor children on a “Joy Ride” in your car, you may only need to plan 1 day in advance, but to organise a charity walk in your city, you may need to start 3-6 months before.
SECTION 3: Fundraising by Individuals
1. How can I connect with an NGO?
a) Why should I connect with an NGO?
If you are collecting money through your event, your donors will need receipts and possibly 80G deduction certificates. This is best done through an NGO. Also, if you want to help the poor, an NGO may help you reach people who need your help. However, if you are not collecting money, and you know who you want to help, or if your donors don’t want receipts, then you may not need an NGO.
b) What are benefits of connecting with an NGO?
It gives authenticity to your idea and also gives assurance to the participant that the donation is not going to be misused
c) When should I connect with an NGO?
Once you have frozen on your idea and you will be generating resources with your idea then you should connect to an NGO.
d) Where would these NGOs be based?
An NGO closest to you would be where you start.
e) How credible would these NGOs be?
NGOs which are listed with GiveIndia (, or Credibility Alliance ( or CAF India ( or Guidestar India ( are credible NGOs.
2. Can I contribute in cash and kind?
Cash can be donated directly to an NGO of your choice.
a) What can be donated?
You can donate anything you want to. Be it clothes, old furniture, old computers, toys and even old newspapers.
b) How can it be donated?
You can donate it to any local non-profit near your place or to credible organisations like Goonj.
c) When should it be donated?
During the week (Oct 2-8).
d) How can we be sure that it will reach the intended recipients?
Pick and work with organisations you trust, or that are refered to you by people you trust.
e) Are there any tax benefits for donations in kind?
There is no tax exemption for inkind donations
b) For offline donations, in whose favour should the cheque by drawn?
Please check with the NGO concerned.
c) Where should I send the cheque?
Directly to the postal address of the NGO you wish to donate money to.
d) Will I get a receipt for the donation?
The NGO will send you an 80(G) receipt, if you can confirm that they are eligible.
e) What are the tax benefits for such donations?
Under section 80G of the IT Act you will get a 50% deduction- but please check this with the org you wish to donate to.
SECTION 4: Volunteering for Individuals
1. How do I register to volunteer with an NGO?
Check for opportunities on platforms like iVolunteer, ConnectFor, BuildTheWorld, etc.
a) How do I find the right NGO?
You can try to find NGOs near you on the website/ app.
b) Whom do I contact in the NGO?
The contact person will be listed on their website.
2. How can I volunteer my time to an NGO for the week?
The NGO’s own website or team will tell you what you can do.
SECTION 5: DaanUtsav Events and Registering Them on the Website
1. What is a #DaanUtsav event?
Any “giving event” or act of giving, to help the less fortunate is a #DaanUtsav event. The giving can be money (e.g., fundraising event, donation campaign), time (e.g., spending a day at an elderly home or reading to the blind), materials (donating clothes, books and other material) or skills (conducting trainings in English speaking for maids or taxi/auto drivers, accounting for NGO accountants, writing for NGO communicators, etc.), or raising awareness about a cause (environment, elderly, gender parity, etc.)
a) Why should I do an event?
If you find a good event in your area (office, society, town) that you can participate in, please do so. You can also offer to extend an event to your area by contacting the event organisers. But if neither is possible, or if you have an idea of your own, it would be great if you can organise an event yourself.
If people organise events, it allows more and more people to participate in DaanUtsav. If everyone wants to “participate”, we will need at least few people who are willing to organise!
b) Why should I participate in an event?
So that you can do your little bit to make a difference.
c) Can I create my own event or activity?
Yes please do. Please register it on the website. Someone else might get inspired to do an Event similar to yours.
d) What support can I expect from #DaanUtsav volunteers for my event or activity?
#DaanUtsav is a platform for people. Through the website, you may get access to other people. The #DaanUtsav volunteer team also provides information about various events to the media, who pick up events from the #DaanUtsav website to cover. If your event is very significant, please write to us and our volunteer team will see how we can help you.
e) How do I register my event on your website?
Click here.
Employees of corporates get together to solve a tech/design/logistics problem that NGOs face, in a hackathon/code-a-thon/design-a-thon format.
Say Thanks
Employees send gratitude cards or recorded messages to frontline workers.
Tambola boli
A virtual online tambola week where employees pay to participate and buy tickets. The winner gets to choose a charity to donate to and the organisation matches the funds from tickets.
Call and connect
Sign up with non-profits to mentor a child.
Hello Senior!
Employees talk to senior citizens at elderly care homes.
Volunteer from home
Volunteer virtually at a non-profit: design their website, create social media content, learn more about their work and share it in your circles
You e-wish!
Help NGOs set up creative e-wish trees for raising funds and resources.
E-garage sale
Get together with your friends and family, and set up a digital garage sale on Instagram, Facebook or any other online platform. The money raised can go to a charity of your choice.
Soulful Stories
Record a story in your native language and share it with children and the elderly.
Karaoke Idol Kaun?
Organise a karaoke fundraiser night with colleagues. People pay for the event and vote for the best performance of the night. The raised sum goes to the winner’s charity. The organisation can match the sum raised.
One sign saves multiple lives
Sign up for organ donation and encourage your friends to do the same.
CEO at the end of the tunnel
Employees bid for a virtual coffee date with the CEO or HOD. It can also be a contest (share an act of kindness using the product, story sharing contest, art, music, etc).
One day at a time…
Employees donate one day’s salary, or volunteer at an NGO for a day.
FUN-draising contest
Teams of employees compete to raise the most funds for their cause. The funds are matched by the corporate, and the winning team receives an extra donation.
Card Carrying Membership
Virtual poker, rummy, bridge or other card games where everyone “buys in” and nominates a charity, money goes to the winners’ nominated charities.
Game, Set, Go!
Organise online/offline game-o-thons among friends, family or employees. Participants pay a minimal fee for each round and the final sum goes to the winner’s charity.
7 Days 7 Givings
Pick 7 different acts of giving, one for each day of the #DaanUtsav week and get students/ residents/employees/members to contribute. The 7 acts could simply be 7 different items to be given (books on 1 day, clothes on another, etc.) or 7 types of activities (money, material, time, blood, skills, etc.).
Change Festival
In colleges, clubs, theatres, large corporates, large apartments, a TEDx/ Litfest type format featuring social enterprises, ticket donations to charity.
Sponge the CEO
Employees pay to get a chance to throw a wet sponge at their bosses. The money collected is donated to a charity of the CEO’s choice.
CEO@home auction
Employees bid for a chance to have their CEO cook their meal or babysit their children, with the proceeds benefiting a cause of the CEO’s choice.
May The Best Man Win!
Male employees pay to compete in domestic chores–folding sheets, washing utensils, etc. The winner gets to choose the NGO/cause that the donation from all employees goes to.
Employees donate one day’s salary, or volunteer at an NGO for a day.
Corporate Challenge
Teams of employees compete to raise the most funds for their cause. The funds are matched by the corporate, and the winning team receives an extra donation.
Fancy Giving Tuesday!
Employees can donate a set amount (say, Rs. 100) for the privilege of wearing fancy clothes/accessories that are usually not allowed.
Fistful of joy
Encourage members to donate a fistful of grain/ sugar which is collected and given to an NGO.
Clean up drive
Organise an event to clean up public spaces like beaches, lakes, bus stands, stations, parks, govt hospitals, etc.
Gandhi For Gram
Identify a village nearby and get students/employees/members to visit and volunteer there for a day, to promote greater understanding of the challenges of rural life in modern times.
Gandhi 150 festival
Organise a festival in your school, college, office, club, group, association or apartment to celebrate Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary. The festival can include debates, essay contests, Khadi shows, films and other activities that represent Gandhi’s values. Audience/ participants donate to take part and the proceeds go to Gandhian charities.
DaanDe March
Organise a march/walk involving your students/employees/members and also other organisations near your institution, raising awareness about causes and inviting the public to contribute in cash and kind.
Tree plantation
Carry out tree plantation campaigns in nearby school/college campuses and grounds, parks, office campuses or in nearby plantation areas identified by environmental NGOs. Plantation can also be done in nearby rural areas.
Beautification Drive
Organise an event to beautify public spaces like compound walls, bus stands, stations, parks and gardens, govt schools & hospitals, shelter homes, etc.
Plog Run
Get participants to go on a run and collect all the plastic they encounter on the run, from the streets. The collected plastic is given to a recycler.
Collection Drive
A drive to collect and donate new or old books, toys, bags, stationery, uniform, newspapers, shoes, clothes and other stuff and donate them to NGOs.
Run/Walk for a cause
A walk/ run for a cause, where participants donate and fundraise to support the chosen cause.
Seva Mela- NGO stalls
In a school, college, corporate, club or large apartment complex, NGOs put up stalls showcasing their cause and selling their products.
Seva Mela- Fun for a Cause
In a school, college, corporate, club or large apartment complex, NGOs put up stalls with food and games, and all proceeds go to charity.
Jail & Bail
Leaders (CXOs, Principals, Directors, Trustees, Office bearers) are “jailed for doing good” and others have to “bail them out” by donating to a charity of their choice.
Charity Raffle / Housie
A raffle, housie or “tambola” where members donate items as prizes (spare new phones, crockery, travel accessories, bags, watches, etc.), and everyone buys tickets with the proceeds going to charity.
Card Carrying Membership
Poker, rummy, bridge or other card games where everyone “buys in” and nominates a charity, money goes to the winners’ nominated charities.
Visits to NGOs
Visits to nearby shelter, old age home, orphanage, special needs org, etc.
Who’s the MasterChef? (MasterChef Kaun?)
In schools, offices, clubs, apartments, a Masterchef contest, where each participant creates, others “buy” food coupons, proceeds go to charity. The winner’s charity gets a special prize. Can focus on men cooking to change stereotypes.
Date Auction
In colleges, offices, clubs, gyms, a lunch or safe dinner date with the popular members is auctioned and proceeds go to the charity of their choice.
Blood donation camps
In association with nearby blood banks and hospitals or groups like Lions that conduct such camps.
Kara-OK Action (Kuch Achha Karao-ke)
Sing for a cause on karaoke, the audience buys tickets to listen, proceeds go to charity.
Food drive
Preparing, collecting and distributing food to those in need on the streets or at shelter and care homes, or even to auto drivers at a stand, etc.
Seva Sandwich
Individuals in a group contribute various ingredients of a sandwich, get together and make sandwiches and distribute them to those in need
Kindness Fridge
Set up a “kindness fridge” in a public place like an apartment, school, college, hospital and create groups of people who will ensure the fridge is stocked.
Thank class 4 staff of school, college, corp, club, apt, etc. – serve them, have fun WITH them, treat them as equals
Record Audio Books
Everyone records an audio book for the blind.
Change Festival
In colleges, clubs, theatres, large corporates, large apartments, a TEDx/ Litfest type format featuring social enterprises, ticket donations to charity.
Bake Sale/ Art Sale
People exhibit their talents in baking/ other arts and sell their products, proceeds go to charity
Adopt an Institution
Help a govt school, bus shelter, night shelter, newspaper stand, park get a complete makeover and take care of it through the year.
The Tiny Flea Garage Sale
Flea market within school, college, corp, apartment, club etc. where members bring items and others buy them, all proceeds go to charity.
Cycle/ Bike/Car Rally for a cause
A rally for a cause, where participants donate and fundraise to support the chosen cause.
7 Days 7 Givings
Pick 7 different acts of giving, 1 for each day of the #DaanUtsav week and get students/ residents/employees/members to contribute. The 7 acts could simply be 7 different items to be given (books on 1 day, clothes on another, etc.) or 7 types of activities (money, material, time, blood, skills, etc.)
Street Store
Organise a collection drive for items in good condition, clean, mend and pack the donated items nicely and set up a “store” on a street nearby. Offer “coupons” to potential beneficiaries which they can use to “buy” the items that THEY choose from the street store, instead of being handed over something that someone else chose for them.
Wish Tree
Set up a “Wish Tree” and allow members to fulfill wishes sourced from a local nonprofit that you wish to support.
#DaanUtsav Booths
Pop-up #DaanUtsav booths in public spaces provide opportunities to donate for a particular NGO/cause.
Fancy Giving Tuesday!
Employees can donate a set amount (say, Rs. 100) for the privilege of wearing fancy clothes/accessories that are usually not allowed.
Hello Senior!
Employees spend time at an old-age home and organise fun activities like games and dance with the members of the home.
Game, Set, Go!
Organise game-o-thons among employees. Participants pay a minimal fee for each round and the final sum goes to the winner’s charity.
Change Festival
In colleges, clubs, theatres, large corporates, large apartments, a TEDx/ Litfest type format featuring social enterprises, ticket donations to charity.
Here is a YouTube playlist which you can use to get more ideas and examples for organising your #DaanUtsav activity.
Click onicon to browse the playlist.
Why should corporates engage their customers in celebrating #DaanUtsav?
Businesses are not just for profit; it is also imperative for businesses to do something for society. This helps create a better brand image and reputation among customers. It also increases customer loyalty because the buyer tends to see the meaning and purpose when a particular brand promotes a social cause. This leads the customer to believe that the brand is more responsible and empathetic towards society as compared to competing brands. For the brand, this becomes more important as it leads to increased sales. Sometimes, when a brand is promoting a cause, the customer is happy to buy the product for self-consumption as well for a beneficiary of the campaign.
What kind of campaign ideas work for brands?
Here are some ideas that work for brands.
What is the best way to pitch the concept of #DaanUtsav to customers?
The best message to relay to customers is that it’s all about being compassionate towards the needy; so while you shop for yourself, buy a little something to help someone else and make a difference in their life. For example, if you are buying groceries for yourself, picking up an extra 250 grams of rice would go a long way in feeding 10 other people.
How can brands get buy-in from all their internal stakeholders?
By showing them the benefits as far as business is concerned. It is a good idea to show them how this will lead to an increase in sales and positive brand recall along with building of customer loyalty with opportunities for media interest.
Internal stakeholders need to know that here is one more festival which can be leveraged to encourage customers to buy extra goods for others, thereby leading to an increase in sales.
How can brands reach their customers or create awareness about their #DaanUtsav initiative?
This can be done in multiple ways — through banners and posters at point of sales; video, radio, and print ads; and social media ads and posts. The brand can create various collaterals and disseminate them through various paid and unpaid channels.
How much time does it take to plan a campaign? Offline and online campaigns?
Usually, from the point of inception, it might take about 60 days to plan and execute the entire campaign. Offline campaigns might take a little more time depending on the scale and supply chain of the campaign.
How can #DaanUtsav volunteers support a brand in planning and/or executing its event?
Does #DaanUtsav coinciding with the festive season come as an advantage or a barrier to engaging customers?
Even if there’s a festival, there is scope to tell the customer that while they buy for their own families, why not buy a little more for somebody else to bring a smile on his or her face? If the messaging is correct, then it doesn’t really matter.
Do brands get any pushback from internal teams? How can one tackle it?
There are usually no pushbacks, except operational issues, which can be tackled by planning the campaigns well in advance (2-3 months earlier), keeping internal teams in the loop.
What are some other tips and suggestions to plan an event better?
Planning a #DaanUtsav event better and working towards it as a festival, just like you approach Diwali, Republic Day, or Eid, could serve the corporate very well in getting additional sales and profit, along with brand awareness and promotion. Brands should not be afraid to go all out when planning their events.
Cart of kindness
Invite customers to add Rs10 (or Rs5 or Re1 depending on the ticket size) to their bill at checkout, to be donated to a charity chosen by the brand. The other idea could be to add a BOGO / Buy One Give One option while checking out.
Influencer diaries
Rope in an influencer and organise a fundraiser. Customers bid for a virtual coffee date with the celebrity. It can also be a contest (share an act of kindness using the product, story sharing contest, art, music, etc).
Bank on kindness
Set up donations campaigns on ATM machines and online donation campaigns on websites.
Organisations raise awareness of #DaanUtsav through communication channels such as e-mails, SMS notifications, bank account statements, e-purchase receipts, etc.
Special Charity Packs
Online groceries can sell special charity packs that contain a full hygiene kit at a deep discount, to be donated to a local orphanage or elder care home.
The Good Merch
Merchandise with branding of NGOs (keychains, clothes, mugs) along with #DaanUtsav are sold on e-commerce websites, and the proceeds are donated to a charity.
Circle of change
For every purchase, the total bill is rounded off to the nearest Rs. 10/100, and the collected change is donated to a charity during #DaanUtsav.
Discount for a gain
Select products offered at deep discount to be bought by customers and donated to charitable organisations that the store partners with.
Win-win situation
Customers donate a set amount (say, Rs. 10) into a raffle, and the winner shops online for free for 20 minutes on the online store, with the money raised given to charity.
Ad the goodness
Brands run campaigns designed around the brand’s values, e.g., Tata Salt/Tea around progressive values, Surf around “daag achhe hain”, aashirvaad atta around their beliefs, etc., encouraging viewers to celebrate #DaanUtsav through their own acts of giving.
Engage to action
Companies launch organic social media campaigns around #DaanUtsav awareness and offer to make a donation for every user engagement on the campaign.
A fine tune
Mobile service providers promote the #DaanUtsav anthem song created by famous composer Ram Sampath, as a caller tune, with the proceeds of the tune purchase going to charity.
A kind reminder
Telcos use messaging/notifications to promote #DaanUtsav. They can also promote specific campaigns or run their own giving campaign.
QR Code to kindness
Banks enable users to donate to all NGOs using QR codes generated by the Bank and shared with the various NGOs who hold accounts with the Bank
ATM donation campaign
ATMs can display #DaanUtsav awareness messages, and also enable donation to charity via the ATM itself.
Swipe for a cause
During #DaanUtsav banks and wallets make a small donation (say Rs5 for a midday meal), every time a user swipes their card.
UPI for a cause
During #DaanUtsav banks and wallets make a small donation (say Rs5 for a midday meal), every time a user makes a UPI transaction.
E-donation campaigns
Banks enable users to donate to chosen charity through their website and payment apps, by sending out mailers, messages and notifications.
Banks raise awareness of #DaanUtsav through e-mails, SMS notifications, and account statements.
QR Ya Paar
Banks enable users to donate to all NGOs using QR codes generated by the Bank and shared with the various NGOs who hold accounts with the Bank
Where There’s a Will
Banks conduct free online seminars on the importance of wills and how to donate to a charity through a will, during #DaanUtsav. The seminars will also talk about the #LivingMyPromise initiative.
Give It Away!
Corporates provide products/services they offer, as gifts/prizes for various #DaanUtsav events across India.
Telcos use messaging/notifications to promote #DaanUtsav. They can also promote specific campaigns or run their own giving campaign.
Caller Tune for a Cause
Mobile service providers promote the #DaanUtsav anthem song created by famous composer Ram Sampath, as a caller tune, with the proceeds of the tune purchase going to charity.
Like to Give
Companies launch organic social media campaigns and offer to make a donation for every user engagement on the campaign.
Brand value campaigns
Brands run campaigns designed around the brand’s values, e.g., Tata Salt/Tea around progressive values, Surf around “daag achhe hain”, aashirvaad atta around their beliefs, etc., encouraging viewers to celebrate #DaanUtsav through their own acts of giving.
Where There’s a Will
Banks conduct free online seminars on the importance of wills and how to donate to a charity through a will, during #DaanUtsav. The seminars will also talk about the #LivingMyPromise initiative.
Swipe for a cause
During #DaanUtsav, banks and wallets make a small donation (say Rs5 for a midday meal), every time a user swipes their card.
ATM Charity
Customers have the option of donating money to various causes through the ATM machine
Inflight donation
Airlines enable inflight donation to preferred charity during #DaanUtsav. Messaging on #DaanUtsav can also be done through inflight magazine and boarding passes, etc.
Buy & Donate
FMCGs create special charity packs that customers can buy and donate. For instance, a hygiene pack can contain soap, oil, detergent, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, talcum powder and menstrual pads. The products are offered at substantial discount to MRP and packed differently.
In Room Campaigns
Hotels place tent cards in their rooms to encourage guests to donate to a list of charities suggested by the Hotel.
Pound for a Pound
Gyms donate Rs 100 (approx 1 pound) for every pound that a member loses during #DaanUtsav, to charity.
Shop For Free!
Customers donate a set amount (say, Rs. 10) into a raffle, and the winner shops for free for 20 minutes in the store, with the money raised given to charity.
B1G1- Buy 1 Give 1
For every product bought by the customer at MRP, the store donates 1 item to a charitable cause.
Shop For a Cause
Select products offered at deep discount to be bought by customers and donated to charitable organisations that the store partners with.
Round ‘Em Up
For every purchase, the total bill is rounded off to the nearest Rs. 10/100, and the change is donated to a charity during #DaanUtsav.
Power of Ten (Dus Ka Dam)
Invite customers to add Rs10 (or Rs5 or Re1 depending on the ticket size) to their bill at checkout, to be donated to a charity chosen by the store.
One for the Wall
Restaurants, cafes, bakeries, single-product stores allow customers to “buy forward”, i.e., pay for an extra coffee/patty and get a coupon which can be shared with someone in need to claim.
Charity Merchandise
Merchandise with branding of NGOs (keychains, clothes, mugs) along with #DaanUtsav are sold at retail stores, and the proceeds donated.
Special Charity Packs
Groceries can sell special charity packs that contain a full hygiene kit at a deep discount, to be donated to a local orphanage or elder care home.
Donate old, Buy new
Retail shops provide a space for customers to drop off their old clothes, accessories, phones, etc. and offer them significant discounts in exchange.
Stall ’em
At malls or airports, special stalls for NGOs are set up, as also digital interactive screens to promote and enable giving.
Activate ’em
At malls or airports, NGOs conduct interesting events to engage patrons and generate leads for volunteering/ donation.
What’s In Store?
Each store in a mall/airport donates items to a common pool, which become gifts for winners of a “selfie contest”. All “selfie contest” participants donate to a charity chosen by the mall.
Signature Dish
Restaurants dedicate the proceeds from the orders a special dish (created for #DaanUtsav where possible) to charity.
The High Table
A special “high” table set up prominently in the restaurant for the week, where customers receive special attention and treatment and the finest 7 course meal available. Table is auctioned for charity
Charity shows on weekday mornings
Theatres screen a weekday morning show for beneficiaries of NGOs, for free. Attending children/elderly “give back” in turn by making and gifting something simple (bookmarks, paper bags, etc.)
Here is a YouTube playlist which you can use to get more ideas and examples for organising your #DaanUtsav activity.
Click onicon to browse the playlist.
Say Thanks
Send gratitude cards or recorded messages to frontline workers.
Hello Senior!
Talk to senior citizens at elderly care homes.
Soulful Stories
Record a story in your native language and share it with children and the elderly.
Karaoke Idol Kaun?
Organise a karaoke fundraiser night with friends and family. People pay for the event and vote for the best performance of the night. The raised sum goes to the winner’s charity.
Game Game Mein
Organise online game-o-thons. Participants pay a minimal fee for each round and the final sum goes to the winner’s charity.
Khari Kamai – Earn & Give
Students “earn” through everyday chores like washing cars and bikes, running errands, etc. and donate their earnings to a charity.
One sign saves multiple lives
Sign up for organ donation and encourage your friends to do the same.
Donate a skill
Virtually share a skill (drawing, singing, cooking, playing an instrument, etc) with the underprivileged. Alternatively, you could also organise a fundraising event where you hold a workshop. The funds from this will go to a charity of your choice.
E-garage sale
Get together with your friends and family, and set up a digital garage sale on Instagram, Facebook or any other online platform. The money raised can go to a charity of your choice.
Solve Ninja
Each student thinks of and comes up with solutions for a social problem in their city / area / country – like excessive plastic in societies, potholes or garbage collected or lack of lighting or dividers on streets, etc.
It’s important. Period.
College students conduct digital awareness drives on menstrual health and hygiene in partnership with a local organisation. Issues like menstruation woes during lockdown and access to resources can be spotlighted. Students can also add a fundraiser to raise funds for menstrual hygiene resources for the organisation.
You e-wish!
Help NGOs set up creative e-wish trees for raising funds and resources.
The Singing Teachers’ Society
Ticketed fundraiser karaoke event where teachers perform. Students pay to attend and vote the best performance. The funds raised go to the winning teacher’s charity.
Game, Set, Go!
Ticketed virtual game week / event where students pay a minimal fee to play each round. The final amount raised goes to a charity nominated by the winner.
Volunteer from home
Students volunteer to help NGOs with any work for a week (virtually in most cases) — set up or manage their website, create marketing and communication assets, manage social media, co-ordinate for any existing campaigns, etc. Locate volunteer opportunities through online platforms like BuildTheWorld, ConnectFor, iVolunteer, etc.
Human chain
Start a virtual kindness challenge – do a simple act of giving and tag your friends and faculty and ask them to do the same and grow the chain.
7 Days 7 Givings
Pick 7 different acts of giving, one for each day of the #DaanUtsav week and get students/ residents/employees/members to contribute. The 7 acts could simply be 7 different items to be given (books on 1 day, clothes on another, etc.) or 7 types of activities (money, material, time, blood, skills, etc.).
Date Auction
In colleges, offices, clubs, gyms, a virtual date with the popular members/staff members/seniors or teachers is auctioned and proceeds go to the charity of their choice.
Change Festival
In colleges, clubs, theatres, large corporates, large apartments, a TEDx/ Litfest type format featuring social enterprises, ticket donations to charity.
Khari Kamai- Earn & Give
Students “earn” through everyday chores like washing cars and bikes, running errands, etc. and donate their earnings to a charity
Menstrual awareness drive
College students conduct awareness drives on menstrual health and hygiene in nearby slum/village areas, in partnership with a local organisation.
Road Safety Campaign
College students conduct road safety campaigns at traffic signals with activities including, but not limited to, appreciation badges for law-abiding/helmet-wearing motorists.
Street Plays
College students perform street plays on socially-relevant topics to raise awareness.
College students conduct a festival for residents of a nearby orphanage or old age home, including a cultural show, games, and food.
Fistful of joy
Encourage members to donate a fistful of grain/ sugar which is collected and given to an NGO.
Clean up drive
Organise an event to clean up public spaces like beaches, lakes, bus stands, stations, parks, govt hospitals, etc.
Gandhi For Gram
Identify a village nearby and get students/employees/members to visit and volunteer there for a day, to promote greater understanding of the challenges of rural life in modern times.
Gandhi 150 festival
Organise a festival in your school, college, office, club, group, association or apartment to celebrate Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary. The festival can include debates, essay contests, Khadi shows, films and other activities that represent Gandhi’s values. Audience/ participants donate to take part and the proceeds go to Gandhian charities.
DaanDe March
Organise a march/walk involving your students/employees/members and also other organisations near your institution, raising awareness about causes and inviting the public to contribute in cash and kind.
Tree plantation
Carry out tree plantation campaigns in nearby school/college campuses and grounds, parks, office campuses or in nearby plantation areas identified by environmental NGOs. Plantation can also be done in nearby rural areas.
Beautification Drive
Organise an event to beautify public spaces like compound walls, bus stands, stations, parks and gardens, govt schools & hospitals, shelter homes, etc
Plog Run
Get participants to go on a run and collect all the plastic they encounter on the run, from the streets. The collected plastic is given to a recycler.
Collection Drive
A drive to collect and donate new or old books, toys, bags, stationery, uniform, newspapers, shoes, clothes and other stuff and donate them to NGOs.
Run/Walk for a cause
A walk/ run for a cause, where participants donate and fundraise to support the chosen cause.
Seva Mela- NGO stalls
In a school, college, corporate, club or large apartment complex, NGOs put up stalls showcasing their cause and selling their products.
Seva Mela- Fun for a Cause
In a school, college, corporate, club or large apartment complex, NGOs put up stalls with food and games, and all proceeds go to charity.
Jail & Bail
Leaders (CXOs, Principals, Directors, Trustees, Office bearers) are “jailed for doing good” and others have to “bail them out” by donating to a charity of their choice.
Charity Raffle / Housie
A raffle, housie or “tambola” where members donate items as prizes (spare new phones, crockery, travel accessories, bags, watches, etc.), and everyone buys tickets with the proceeds going to charity.
Card Carrying Membership
Poker, rummy, bridge or other card games where everyone “buys in” and nominates a charity, money goes to the winners’ nominated charities.
Visits to NGOs
Visits to nearby shelter, old age home, orphanage, special needs org, etc.
Who’s the MasterChef? (MasterChef Kaun?)
in schools, offices, clubs, apartments, a Masterchef contest, where each participant creates, others “buy” food coupons, proceeds go to charity. The winner’s charity gets a special prize. Can focus on men cooking to change stereotypes.
Date Auction
In colleges, offices, clubs, gyms, a lunch or safe dinner date with the popular members is auctioned and proceeds go to the charity of their choice.
Memories on Sale
Students auction their favourite college possessions and memorablia and donate proceeds to a charity. The auction can also use “hours volunteered in DaanUtsav” as a currency.
Blood donation camps
In association with nearby blood banks and hospitals or groups like Lions that conduct such camps.
Kara-OK Action (Kuch Achha Karao-ke)
Sing for a cause on karaoke, the audience buys tickets to listen, proceeds go to charity.
Food drive
Preparing, collecting and distributing food to those in need on the streets or at shelter and care homes, or even to auto drivers at a stand, etc.
Seva Sandwich
Individuals in a group contribute various ingredients of a sandwich, get together and make sandwiches and distribute them to those in need.
Kindness Fridge
Set up a “kindness fridge” in a public place like an apartment, school, college, hospital and create groups of people who will ensure the fridge is stocked.
Thank class 4 staff of school, college, corp, club, apt, etc. – serve them, have fun WITH them, treat them as equals.
Record Audio Books
Everyone records an audio book for the blind.
Change Festival
In colleges, clubs, theatres, large corporates, large apartments, a TEDx/ Litfest type format featuring social enterprises, ticket donations to charity.
Bake Sale/ Art Sale
People exhibit their talents in baking/ other arts and sell their products, proceeds go to charity.
Adopt an Institution
Help a govt school, bus shelter, night shelter, newspaper stand, park get a complete makeover and take care of it through the year.
The Tiny Flea Garage Sale
Flea market within school, college, corp, apartment, club etc. where members bring items and others buy them, all proceeds go to charity.
Cycle/ Bike/Car Rally for a cause
A rally for a cause, where participants donate and fundraise to support the chosen cause.
7 Days 7 Givings
Pick 7 different acts of giving, one for each day of the #DaanUtsav week and get students/ residents/employees/members to contribute. The 7 acts could simply be 7 different items to be given (books on 1 day, clothes on another, etc.) or 7 types of activities (money, material, time, blood, skills, etc.).
Street Store
Organise a collection drive for items in good condition, clean, mend and pack the donated items nicely and set up a “store” on a street nearby. Offer “coupons” to potential beneficiaries which they can use to “buy” the items that THEY choose from the street store, instead of being handed over something that someone else chose for them.
Wish Tree
Set up a “Wish Tree” and allow members to fulfill wishes sourced from a local nonprofit that you wish to support.
#DaanUtsav Booths
Pop-up #DaanUtsav booths in public spaces provide opportunities to donate for a particular NGO/cause.
Whats App?
Spread awareness about the festival and ideas to celebrate on Whats App / Facebook groups. These groups can also be used to raise funds for a cause.
Hello senior!
Visit an old-age home and interact with senior citizens: play games, dance and organise fun activities to brighten their day.
Love volunteering?
Locate volunteering opportunities through online platforms like BuildTheWorld, ConnectFor, iVolunteer, etc.
Game, Set, Go!
Organise game-o-thons among with your classmates and teachers. Participants pay a minimal fee for each round and the final sum goes to the winner’s charity.
Human chain
Start a virtual kindness challenge – do a simple act of giving and tag your friends and ask them to do the same. Create kindness chain.
Date Auction
In colleges, offices, clubs, gyms, a lunch or safe dinner date with the popular members is auctioned and proceeds go to the charity of their choice.
Why should colleges celebrate #DaanUtsav?
What kind of events work for colleges?
For reference, a list of event ideas for colleges is here, starting from collection drives and fashion shows for a cause, to Seva Mela.
But the best way to figure out what events work is to leave it to the students, giving them space and support where required. Students are extremely resourceful, and come up with amazing ideas.
What can one do if there are exams or vacations during DaanUtsav?
#DaanUtsav during exams: Can organize simple events. Events such as collection drives (clothes, books, stationery, etc.) can be conducted during the week, with the majority of the preparation done well in advance. Other ideas include having students take quirky exam selfies (with fun messages about exams) by donating a small amount (say, Rs.50) for a cause.
#DaanUtsav during vacations: Day scholars can organize simple initiatives, such as clean-up drives, in the community. If promoted before the vacations and registrations are completed, WhatsApp groups can take over the co-ordination even during holidays.
#DaanUtsav during vacations: Hostel students who return home can organize giving events in their respective communities. TalentQuest of India has done this exceedingly well over the years, engaging 25,000+ students each year.
Who can one approach for permissions to do this in colleges?
The head of the institution is always a good person to speak to and get permission in place before you organize an event in a college. The best way to do this is to go through either one of the student councils or student body. There are many clubs, associations, and societies in most of the colleges, as well as faculty members who are in charge of the extra-curricular activities in the college. You can reach out to any of these people and once they are on board, they can help you reach the institution and get the permissions in place.
How does one get all students to participate in their #DaanUtsav event?
What are some of the objections/questions raised?
Two of the most objections are if there are exams or vacations during #DaanUtsav. This is addressed in a separate question.
Some of their other responses/concerns might be:
What are the resources and support available for event owners?
The #DaanUtsav website has many resources that are available for event owners, including, but not limited to:
How important is social media for college events?
Absolutely critical! It also allows the students to comfortably share their thoughts and ideas. They can leverage it in creative ways to spread the word about their #DaanUtsav celebrations – thus encouraging more people to do the same.
Here is a YouTube playlist which you can use to get more ideas and examples for organising your #DaanUtsav activity.
Click onicon to browse the playlist.
Why should apartments and societies celebrate #DaanUtsav?
Celebrating #DaanUtsav in an apartment, society, RWA (Resident Welfare Association) or ALM (Advanced Locality Management) creates an interesting opportunity for residents to get to know each other well by working together on an event. This deepens relationships between residents, strengthens bonds, and builds a safer community for everyone. #DaanUtsav can also become a platform for every apartment, society, RWA, or ALM to show gratitude to the people who make their lives comfortable, safe and happy: maids, drivers, liftmen, security guards, etc. It can also be an opportunity for a community to get together and show that they care.
What kind of events work in apartments and housing societies?
Click here for a list of ideas for residential areas to celebrate #DaanUtsav.
How does one get more residents to help in organizing the event?
Most residential areas have a few “influential” and “popular” members—people that everyone looks up to, and who are often the glue binding people together. Tapping into them and sharing your ideas is a great way to find fellow champions. You can also talk to your immediate neighbours or your friends. Some large societies or associations have a “youth wing” or club and involving them could also be useful. If there’s a professional manager, s/he can also be roped in, especially to help with follow-up, logistics, and coordination. In some large societies, RWAs and ALMs, there are WhatsApp groups of members as well as other online communication platforms that can be used to reach out and recruit volunteers.
Who can one approach for permissions to do this in their society/apartment?
It is best to approach the office bearers of the society or association, such as the President, Chairperson, Secretary, or Treasurer for the necessary permissions.
How can one pitch the concept of DaanUtsav to the residents/members?
Before approaching the office bearers, it is always good to have a small group of fellow volunteers in place and a clear idea of the kind of event(s) you plan to organize. Once you have this, seek a meeting with the office bearers as a group. It is easier to get permissions and approvals if there is significant support from a diverse group of members.
What are some of the objections/questions raised?
Societies & RWAs will typically have concerns around the following:
How do you address them?
Being prepared for the questions and objections helps address them. The easiest way to address any concerns is to demonstrate interest from a majority of residents to participate in your event. If most people want to take part, it is likely to be automatically supported by the office bearers. You can demonstrate this through a signature campaign, or WhatsApp messages or emails from members supporting the event idea.
How can one get participation of residents in their event?
How can one follow up with participants and keep them updated?
It’s pretty much like any other project. Once a plan is ready, the tasks must be divided among core team members, with reasonable deadlines. Once the tasks are divided, it might be a matter of communication: WhatsApp, calls, messages, or simply knocking on people’s doors,
Also, creating a mode of communication for the core members (WhatsApp might work best) with regular updates like “Hey, today A got the local store to donate a crockery set. What’s cooking at your end?” will inspire other members too.
How much time does it take to plan an event?
Something as simple as a Raffle or Tambola can be organized within a week.
All you need to do is identify a few people who are able to donate items that can be used as gifts. Most of us have extra items lying around at home: a spare crockery set somebody gifted us, a watch, or a new pair of woollens. WhatsApp details of the event, and all is set.
For more complex events, more planning is required. Say you want to organize a dinner for all the maids and other help across all apartments. You will need to fix a date, communicate it to everybody, make sure everybody is free, give yourself enough time to collect money from all the houses, and get permissions from the society, etc. Events like these might take as much as a month or two months to put together.
Any other tips have for people planning events in apartments, societies, RWAs or ALMs?
These little events are fabulous opportunities to bring people together and create a real community, in an increasingly isolated world. So, try and involve as many residents as possible.
Another point to remember is to try to ensure that everyone is on board, especially people who are known to raise objections. Speaking with some of these habitual naysayers early on in the process, and if possible, including them in the core team will do wonders.
Here is a YouTube playlist which you can use to get more ideas and examples for organising your #DaanUtsav activity.
Click onicon to browse the playlist.
Say Thanks
Employees send gratitude cards or recorded messages to frontline workers.
Tambola boli
A virtual online tambola week where members pay to participate and buy tickets. The winner gets to choose a charity to donate to and the organisation matches the funds from tickets. This model can also be emulated for games such as virtual poker, rummy, bridge or other card games where everyone “buys in” and nominates a charity, money goes to the winners’ nominated charities.
E-garage sale
Get together with your friends and family, and set up a digital garage sale on Instagram, Facebook or any other online platform. The money raised can go to a charity of your choice.
Whats App?
Apartments spread awareness about the festival and ideas to celebrate on their Whats App / Facebook groups. These groups can also be used to raise funds for a cause.
Give and chill
Apartments contribute to buy OTT platform memberships (Netflix, Prime, Zee5, Voot, Hotstar, etc) for their house help and building staff.
Soulful Stories
Record a story in your native language and share it with children and the elderly.
Go green
Apartments use #DaanUtsav as a platform to launch environment friendly initiatives like Garbage segregation & composting, energy audits & conservation, water harvesting structures and water conservation methods
Apartments encourage all members to sign up for organ donation and also organise an awareness drive about the benefits of doing so
E-wish Trees
Apartments can donate funds or in kind to charities or causes by setting up digital wish trees and sharing it among members
7 Days 7 Givings
Pick 7 different acts of giving, one for each day of the #DaanUtsav week and get residents to contribute. The 7 acts could simply be 7 different items to be given (books on 1 day, clothes on another, etc.) or 7 types of activities (money, material, time, blood, skills, etc.)
Change Festival
In large apartments, a TEDx/ Litfest type format featuring social enterprises, ticket donations to charity
On the Streets (Aa Gaye Raste Pe)
Apartment residents set up a “street food festival” and sell food made in their homes. All proceeds from the sale of food are given to charity.
Neighbour Hood (Ados-Pados)
Residents host an evening for a neighbour in their society, in which they do a small show about themselves and serve dinner. The visitors pay for the experience. The arrangement is reversed within the week. All money raised goes to charity.
Do Rights By Them
Residents organise a camp for all domestic help and support them in getting various govt documentation (PAN, Aadhar, caste or birth or residency certificates, etc.) and benefit from Govt schemes.
Did You Know? (Jaano Ya Na Jaano)
A quiz for residents where questions are about the personal lives of the support staff of the apartment- the security guards’ families and places of origin, the gardener’s childhood dreams, the sweeper’s height, weight, etc. Residents pay to participate, proceeds used to give gifts to the staff and some residents provide excess gifts from their homes as prizes for the winners.
Environmental Action
Apartments use #DaanUtsav as a platform to launch environment friendly initiatives like Garbage segregation & composting, energy audits & conservation, water harvesting structures and water conservation methods.
Fistful of joy
Encourage members to donate a fistful of grain/ sugar which is collected and given to an NGO.
Clean up drive
Organise an event to clean up public spaces like beaches, lakes, bus stands, stations, parks, govt hospitals, etc.
Gandhi for Gram
Identify a village nearby and get members to visit and volunteer there for a day, to promote greater understanding of the challenges of rural life in modern times.
DaanDe March
Organise a march/walk involving your students/employees/members and also other organisations near your institution, raising awareness about causes and inviting the public to contribute in cash and kind.
Tree plantation
Carry out tree plantation campaigns in nearby school/college campuses and grounds, parks, office campuses or in nearby plantation areas identified by environmental NGOs. Plantation can also be done in nearby rural areas.
Beautification Drive
Organise an event to beautify public spaces like compound walls, bus stands, stations, parks and gardens, govt schools & hospitals, shelter homes, etc.
Plog Run
Get participants to go on a run and collect all the plastic they encounter on the run, from the streets. The collected plastic is given to a recycler.
Collection Drive
A drive to collect and donate new or old books, toys, bags, stationery, uniform, newspapers, shoes, clothes and other stuff and donate them to NGOs.
Run/Walk for a cause
A walk/ run for a cause, where participants donate and fundraise to support the chosen cause.
Seva Mela- NGO stalls
In a school, college, corporate, club or large apartment complex, NGOs put up stalls showcasing their cause and selling their products.
Seva Mela- Fun for a Cause
In a school, college, corporate, club or large apartment complex, NGOs put up stalls with food and games, and all proceeds go to charity.
Jail & Bail
Leaders (CXOs, Principals, Directors, Trustees, Office bearers) are “jailed for doing good” and others have to “bail them out” by donating to a charity of their choice.
Charity Raffle / Housie
A raffle, housie or “tambola” where members donate items as prizes (spare new phones, crockery, travel accessories, bags, watches, etc.), and everyone buys tickets with the proceeds going to charity.
Card Carrying Membership
Poker, rummy, bridge or other card games where everyone “buys in” and nominates a charity, money goes to the winners’ nominated charities.
Visits to NGOs
Visits to nearby shelter, old age home, orphanage, special needs org, etc.
Who’s The MasterChef? (MasterChef Kaun?)
In schools, offices, clubs, apartments, a Masterchef contest, where each participant creates, others “buy” food coupons, proceeds go to charity. The winner’s charity gets a special prize. Can focus on men cooking to change stereotypes.
Date Auction
In colleges, offices, clubs, gyms, a lunch or safe dinner date with the popular members is auctioned and proceeds go to the charity of their choice.
Blood donation camps
In association with nearby blood banks and hospitals or groups like Lions that conduct such camps.
Kara-OK Action (Kuch Achha Karao-ke)
Sing for a cause on karaoke, the audience buys tickets to listen, proceeds go to charity.
Food drive
Preparing, collecting and distributing food to those in need on the streets or at shelter and care homes, or even to auto drivers at a stand, etc.
Seva Sandwich
Individuals in a group contribute various ingredients of a sandwich, get together and make sandwiches and distribute them to those in need.
Kindness Fridge
Set up a “kindness fridge” in a public place like an apartment, school, college, hospital and create groups of people who will ensure the fridge is stocked.
Thank class 4 staff of school, college, corp, club, apt, etc. – serve them, have fun WITH them, treat them as equals.
Record Audio Books
Everyone records an audio book for the blind.
Change Festival
In colleges, clubs, theatres, large corporates, large apartments, a TEDx/ Litfest type format featuring social enterprises, ticket donations to charity.
Bake Sale/ Art Sale
People exhibit their talents in baking/ other arts and sell their products, proceeds go to charity.
Adopt an Institution
Help a govt school, bus shelter, night shelter, newspaper stand, park get a complete makeover and take care of it through the year.
The Tiny Flea Garage Sale
Flea market within school, college, corp, apartment, club etc. where members bring items and others buy them, all proceeds go to charity.
Cycle/ Bike/Car Rally for a cause
A rally for a cause, where participants donate and fundraise to support the chosen cause.
7 Days 7 Givings
Pick 7 different acts of giving, one for each day of the #DaanUtsav week and get students/ residents/employees/members to contribute. The 7 acts could simply be 7 different items to be given (books on 1 day, clothes on another, etc.) or 7 types of activities (money, material, time, blood, skills, etc.).
Street Store
Organise a collection drive for items in good condition, clean, mend and pack the donated items nicely and set up a “store” on a street nearby. Offer “coupons” to potential beneficiaries which they can use to “buy” the items that THEY choose from the street store, instead of being handed over something that someone else chose for them.
Wish Tree
Set up a “Wish Tree” and allow members to fulfill wishes sourced from a local nonprofit that you wish to support.
#DaanUtsav Booths
Pop-up #DaanUtsav booths in public spaces provide opportunities to donate for a particular NGO/cause.
Khari Kamai- Earn & Give
Children in the area “earn” through everyday chores like washing cars and bikes, running errands, etc. and donate their earnings to a charity)
Beautification drive
Pick a public wall, a bus shelter or a couple of benches in the nearby park and paint them together.
Collection drive
Collect toys, books, stationery, clothes and other items and donate them to nearby nonprofits
Cleanup drive
Clean up a nearby beach, lake, street or park along with friends and family
Say Thanks
Along with friends and family, make and send gratitude cards or recorded thank you messages to frontline workers.
Charity Raffle
A raffle, housie or “tambola” where your friends and family members donate items as prizes (spare new phones, crockery, travel accessories, bags, watches, etc.), and everyone buys tickets with the proceeds going to charity.
Blood donation camps
In association with nearby blood banks and hospitals or groups like Lions that conduct such camps.
Food drive
Preparing, collecting and distributing food to those in need on the streets or at shelter and care homes, or even to auto drivers at a stand, etc.
Kindness Fridge
Set up a “kindness fridge” in a public place like an apartment, school, college, hospital and create groups of people who will ensure the fridge is stocked.
Thank class 4 staff of school, college, corp, club, apt, etc. – serve them, have fun WITH them, treat them as equals.
Card Carrying Membership
Virtual poker, rummy, bridge or other card games where everyone “buys in” and nominates a charity, money goes to the winners’ nominated charities.
Game, Set, Go!
Organise offline game-o-thons among friends and family. Participants pay a minimal fee for each round and the final sum goes to the winner’s charity.
Change Festival
In colleges, clubs, theatres, large corporates, large apartments, a TEDx/ Litfest type format featuring social enterprises, ticket donations to charity.